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黑莓命运堪忧 加拿大财团47亿美元收归私有_竞博JBO手机在线登录

发布时间:2024-09-24 00:32:01  点击量:842

本文摘要:BlackBerry has agreed to be bought by a consortium of Canadian investment companies for $4.7bn in cash and taken private, in a last-ditch move to ensure the survival of one of the pioneers of the global smartphone industry. 黑莓(BlackBerry)表示同意以47亿美元的现金价格被加拿大投资企业构成的一家财团接管私有。

BlackBerry has agreed to be bought by a consortium of Canadian investment companies for $4.7bn in cash and taken private, in a last-ditch move to ensure the survival of one of the pioneers of the global smartphone industry. 黑莓(BlackBerry)表示同意以47亿美元的现金价格被加拿大投资企业构成的一家财团接管私有。这一孤注一掷之荐目的确保这家全球智能手机行业的先驱以求存活。BlackBerry, whose handheld devices were nicknamed “CrackBerrys” because of their ubiquity in the suit pockets of the world’s business and political elite, has seen its market value plummet from a peak of $83bn in 2008 to just $4.2bn ahead of the announcement yesterday. 黑莓手执设备有“瘾莓”(CrackBerry)的昵称,因为在全球商界和政界精英的西装口袋中,黑莓的身影无所不在。

在昨日宣告上述消息之前,其市值早已从2008年巅峰时的830亿美元跌到至区区42亿美元。The bid comes in the wake of BlackBerry’s admission on Friday that its turnround strategy – based on the launch of a new operating system and handsets – had failed and that it would abandon the consumer market with the loss of 4,500 jobs and report a $1bn operating loss in the latest quarter. 这家财团开价出售之前,上周五黑莓否认,其基于新版操作系统和手机的挽回战略告终了,该公司将退出消费者市场,削减4500个职位,并报告上季度运营损失约10亿美元。

The consortium is led by Prem Watsa’s Fairfax Financial Holdings, which holds a 10 per cent stake in the Ontario-based company. Mr Watsa, an investor who has been described as Canada’s Warren Buffett, resigned from BlackBerry’s board last month when the company announced that it had set up a special committee to investigate its strategic options. 这家财团由弗雷姆沃察(Prem Watsa)的Fairfax Financial Holdings联合。该公司持有人总部坐落于加拿大安大略省的黑莓公司10%的股份。沃察是一名投资人,有加拿大的沃伦巴菲特(Warren Buffett)之称之为。他在上月辞任黑莓董事会职位,当时黑莓宣告早已重新组建了一个尤其委员会来调查其战略自由选择。

His move was widely interpreted at the time as indicating that he would try to pull together a consortium including some of Canada’s leading pension funds to buy out the struggling company, once the adornment of the Canadian technology sector. 沃察当时的行径被广泛理解为,他将尝试统合一家还包括加拿大领先的养老金基金的财团,并购陷入困境的黑莓。黑莓曾是加拿大科技行业的象征物。BlackBerry’s shares, which fell a further 5 per cent in trading yesterday after dropping 17 per cent on Friday when the company pre-announced its quarterly results, were suspended at $8.26 ahead of the announcement that the company had signed a Letter of Intent with a consortium led by Fairfax. 上周五黑莓预告片了其季度业绩以后,股价暴跌17%,昨日盘中再行跌到5%。







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